"It's a world of laughter, a world of tears. It's a world of hopes, and a world of fears. There's so much that we share, that it's time we're aware. It's a small world after all." - written by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman & made famous by Walt Disney

Friday, January 18, 2013

Labeling Wars

When I went to visit a friend teaching at a boarding school in England I took one central question with me: what do British students call the American Revolution? As I went through the town of Uppingham I felt like I was being taken to Harry Potter Land. The students even wore scarfs that represented the houses where they lived. Even though I did get a stereotypical boarding school experience I did not get the answer to my question that I thought. I assumed I would get something completely different from what is used in the US, but for the most part students know the war as the War for American Independence or just part of the colonial wars. They do stay away from labeling it a revolution. Frankly the Brits get a little boring in naming their wars (except maybe the Boer War). For example the War of 1812 or Seven Years War or how the Irish War for Independence is just the Anglo-Irish War.

I am really interested in some of the best war names in history. Comment if you have an opinion.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Famous Names

I often find myself referencing Jonny Cash in my classroom and students are confused because a musical reference does not follow. My parents did not realize that by naming my little brother Jonathan Cash he would forever face people shortening his first name. As a loving older sister, I often tell stories of the antics of Jonny Cash to explain what not to do as a student. FYI sticking paper clips in a chemistry electric socket does give a shock and does major damage to the system.

Having a famous musician name would be awesome to some, but I find historical names even better. After watching a recent episode of Downton Abbey I realized I know very little about the Irish War for Independence and the Irish Civil War. So after doing some digging I found that my father in law was a leader in both conflicts. Of course the timeline does not work, but Richard James Mulcahy was an instrumental figure in developing the military forces for Irish independence in the early 20th Century. He helped establish the original IRA and survived to old age, which was uncommon for Irish revolutionaries. Even though my father in law did not lead a movement against a major world power he did help raise six amazing boys. Many consider the latter to be just as difficult of an accomplishment.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Not boring archives

One of the best resources for bringing actual history to students are the National Archives of both the US and UK. They have lessons, activities, simulations, and most importantly the primary sources that brings history to classrooms across time and space. From taking a look at William the Conquerors Doomsday Book in the UK to US WWII letters these two online locations are an amazing cross-Atlantic resource.
